
All of these places sell cur­ricu­lum and books online.  Some of them also offer great class­es, com­mu­ni­ties, or focus on spe­cif­ic sub­jects.  They are all on this list, but grouped by their spe­cial­i­ty. The group­ing was cho­sen by us and may not align with their spe­cif­ic mis­sion.  Please under­stand that this page is to con­nect you to many resources, but is not designed to show pref­er­ence for one over anoth­er.  We are always on the look­out for more great resources to share, and will only share on this page those resources that we find wor­thy of your time. 



  • Abe­books: Not tech­ni­cal­ly a cur­ricu­lum sell­er, but gen­er­al­ly a book sell­er.  Most books can be found here for a tru­ly afford­able used price.  If I’m look­ing for lit­er­a­ture includ­ing clas­sics and new fic­tion, I always check here first!


  • Chris­t­ian Book Dis­trib­u­tors: CBD has an exten­sive selec­tion of home­school­ing mate­ri­als.  Often times their prices are cheap­er than Ama­zon, I always check here when price check­ing a book choice. 


  •  Clas­si­cal Aca­d­e­m­ic Press: They offer both cur­ricu­lum, online class­es, and sup­port.  Clas­si­cal Aca­d­e­m­ic Press is quick­ly becom­ing a one-stop place for books, class­es, and community.


  • Memo­ria Press: You could call Memo­ria Press the sis­ter of Ver­i­tas Press.  Memo­ria offers a wide range of work­books and edu­ca­tion­al mate­ri­als for students.


  • Son­light: Son­light Chris­t­ian Home­school offers com­plete home­school cur­ricu­lum pack­ages for all grades.  They offer their own mate­ri­als as well as third par­ty items, and can help you piece togeth­er a whole pro­gram or just one subject.


  • Ver­i­tas Press: Ver­i­tas Press offers great clas­si­cal edu­ca­tion­al resources.  They pro­duce some of their own cur­ricu­lum as well as endorse and car­ry oth­er com­pa­nies’ mate­ri­als. Their cat­a­log is a great place to gain inspi­ra­tion for learn­ing too!


  • Clas­si­cal Con­ver­sa­tions: Clas­si­cal Con­ver­sa­tions offers some great books for teach­ing your child clas­si­cal­ly. They oper­ate pri­mar­i­ly through local com­mu­ni­ties of fam­i­lies who come togeth­er to walk out the clas­si­cal tra­di­tion.  You can find a local com­mu­ni­ty near you at their website. 


  • Schole Groups: Schole Groups are edu­ca­tion co-ops that use clas­si­cal chris­t­ian con­tent.  Each group is run inde­pen­dent­ly and thus all groups vary from a sim­ple book club for­mat to a full blown co-op. 

Courses both DVD and streaming: 

  • Com­pass Class­room: Look­ing for some great ele­men­tary and mid­dle school elec­tives? Then check these guys out.  They have Dwane Thomas’ visu­al latin as well as RC Sproul Jr.‘s great eco­nom­ics class.  They also sell their mate­r­i­al as down­loads or through a subscription. 


  • Dwane Thomas: Do you want to learn latin and have fun?  Dwane Thomas, the teacher behind Visu­al Latin, hosts week­ly latin webi­na­rs to help walk you through your latin text at home.  This is a great place to help your stu­dent take own­er­ship of a sub­ject that they may need help with.


  • Roman Roads Media: A great place for Clas­si­cal Edu­ca­tors to delve into west­ern cul­ture includ­ing latin, lit­er­a­ture, and his­to­ry is at Romans Road Media.  They offer mate­ri­als as well as live online courses.


  • Music The­o­ry:   For those of us try­ing to add some music the­o­ry mate­r­i­al into our child’s dai­ly instru­ment prac­tice, this site is a great free way to intro­duce some basic music the­o­ry concepts. 


  • Fol­ger Shake­speare Library: The home of one of the best Shake­speare resources! The Fol­ger library con­tains plays, notes, and arti­cles on every­thing Shakespeare!


  • Read Aloud Revival: Check out Sarah at the Read Aloud Revival to learn what your fam­i­ly should be read­ing next.  She has a great pod­cast about read­ing aloud and won­der­ful book lists for you and your fam­i­ly to explore.


  • AOPS: The Art of Prob­lem Solv­ing is a com­pa­ny that pub­lish­es math cur­ric­u­la aimed at stu­dents look­ing to com­pete nation­al­ly on math teams.  Their books are advanced and well writ­ten.  The answer keys are a must as they con­tain the answers with an expla­na­tion. They have math books for grades 3–12. 


  • The Crit­i­cal Think­ing Com­pa­ny: The crit­i­cal think­ing com­pa­ny pro­duces some of the most fun books for kids to use to learn how to think like a sci­en­tist or math­e­mati­cian.


  • Right Start Math: A new math pro­gram that con­tains many games to help make learn­ing math fun.  They also offer live online cours­es through their website.


  • Sin­ga­pore Math: An easy to fol­low, thor­ough work­sheet based math pro­gram, Sin­ga­pore Math offers three ver­sions. A stan­dard edi­tion, US edi­tion, and com­mon core aligned edi­tion.  You can read more about what Sin­ga­pore offers on their site.


  • Teach­ing Text­books: A com­put­er and online based math­e­mat­ics pro­gram for grades 3–12, Teach­ing Text­books is video based and becom­ing very pop­u­lar with home educators. 

Writing Classes and Books:

  • Circe Insti­tute: Home to the Lost Tools of Writ­ing and some of the great­est edu­ca­tion pod­casts out there, the Circe Insti­tute is a great resource for learn­ing and teach­ing your stu­dent how to write.


  • IEW: The Insti­tute for Excel­lence in Writ­ing is a one stop shop for great writ­ing cur­ric­u­la.  Andrew Pude­wa has intro­duced how to write well and over­come the blank page to thou­sands of kids through his DVD course and work­book materials.