
Advent : A time of wait­ing. A time of silence. A time of remembering.

Every year we are faced with the real­i­ty of the impor­tance of remem­ber­ing our sav­ior in silence, and wait­ing for his return. He has promised to return and His promis­es are secure. He has proved him­self. His proof is bet­ter than any geo­met­ric proof you may have con­quered this year. This advent I hope that you will take some time to remem­ber, wait, and be silent. 

One of the hard­est parts of teach­ing stu­dents is get­ting them to take time to do these things. How do I teach my stu­dents to be qui­et and think about the beau­ty of what they are learn­ing? I mod­el it in rep­e­ti­tion. I show them how to prac­tice silence and con­tem­pla­tion with sea­sons like advent. When we stop to remem­ber God and what He has done, we show that time is impor­tant and tak­ing the time to reflect is time well spent. Any­thing worth doing takes time, whether it is four weeks to remem­ber the birth of Christ or four min­utes to con­tem­plate the beau­ty in tri­an­gu­lar numbers. 

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