Self-Paced Math Masters Classes!

Home­school­ers are mas­ters of the self-paced class. We work at our pace as we learn new mate­r­i­al. If the weath­er is beau­ti­ful, maybe we take a trip to the ocean and “for­get” to do our math, or maybe there’s a snow­storm and we dis­cov­er that we like tri­an­gles as we com­plete 3 lessons in one day.


How are we to nav­i­gate a course that bends to our sched­ules instead of the oth­er way around? 


That desire for inde­pen­dence and free­dom that you have for your math class is com­plete­ly nat­ur­al. It’s also why all of our math class­es are offered as self-paced cours­es. Even the live class­es can be done self-paced. You can pro­ceed at your fam­i­ly’s pace and still have access to video con­tent, lessons, tri­ads, and even a tutor. 


Here’s how you progress through any of our self-paced math classes: 


Self-paced classes include

  1. Syl­labus for course pro­gres­sion (the syl­labus has blank dates, but does include sug­gest­ed assign­ments. Each fam­i­ly needs to pur­chase the text for the course)
  2. Instruc­tion videos (record­ings of our live class ses­sions plus stu­dent ques­tion videos)
  3. Email tutor­ing for stu­dents to ask ques­tions dur­ing the week ( video helps and addi­tion­al instruc­tions are pro­vid­ed in response to these ques­tions each week)
  4. Chap­ter tri­ads for assess­ing stu­dents’ progress (not grad­ed by scio) 
  5. End of semes­ter finals (includ­ing answer key for self-assessment)


Self-Paced classes include: 

  • Pre­Al­ge­bra
  • Jacobs Ele­men­tary Alge­bra (alge­bra 1 course)
  • Intro­duc­tion to Alge­bra (the Art of Prob­lem Solv­ing’s alge­bra 1 & 2 text)
  • Jacobs Geom­e­try
  • Alge­bra 2 
  • Inter­me­di­ate Alge­bra ( the Art of Prob­lem Solv­ing’s alge­bra 3 text)
  • Log­ic I (both intro­duc­to­ry and inter­me­di­ate logic)
  • Review cours­es (arith­metic, pre­al­ge­bra & alge­bra 1 reviews)
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