Why Prepare?

Harken your mind back to Jan­u­ary, I know it’s August, but stay with me. In Jan­u­ary, when you need to leave your house to run an errand, most like­ly you start your car about 5 min­utes before you need to leave. This win­ter rit­u­al is called “warm­ing up the car”, and it involves run­ning the car in the dri­ve­way long enough for the engine to warm up and defrost the win­dows. Anoth­er type of “warm up” can be found in sports. If you arrive ear­ly for a soc­cer game, you may notice the play­ers warm­ing up on the field. It isn’t that they for­got how to play soc­cer and need to relearn every­thing before the game any­more than your car in the win­ter for­got how to run. Rather, the warm up allows our mus­cles a chance to pre­pare for the intense skill tests that follow. 

Our bod­ies are com­plex sys­tems of mus­cles, bones, nerves, etc. Our brain is a mus­cle. This mus­cle needs a chance to warm up. We can no soon­er jump from sleep­ing to solv­ing the hard­est cal­cu­lus prob­lem any more than we can go from sit­ting on the couch to sprint­ing down a soc­cer field. Sum­mer break is a won­der­ful time of rest and relax­ation for our schol­ar­ly selves, but it’s also a great temp­ta­tion. Atro­phy sets in rather quick­ly. What is the best strat­e­gy against the temp­ta­tion of brain atro­phy? Warm­ing up of course! 

Instead of let­ting these next few weeks wash over you and your brain, start warm­ing your brain up for some new learn­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties! Pre­pare your­self and when the cal­en­dar slides from August into Sep­tem­ber, you’ll be ready to say, “Hel­lo World, I’m ready!”


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