Struggle : Finding the Right Book!

Today is the 5th Mon­day of the month. 

These are the odd weeks.  The shift­ing week.  Start­ing with one month and end­ing with anoth­er, you nev­er know quite which month you are sup­posed to act in.  Which month’s goals do you focus on?  Which month’s bills do you pay? This is the week that I share a struggle. 

Here it is, my true life-long struggle:

Finding the right book.


Some of us are mas­ters of the book list. We cre­ate long ones, we record what we read, and we rel­ish shar­ing them with oth­ers. For me, all I have to say is: You should con­sid­er your­self lucky if my month­ly book list makes it to Insta­gram. Tru­ly, I plow through books so slow­ly these days that I won­der if I have any­thing new to read. Then when I fin­ish one, I strug­gle to fig­ure out what to read next. 

It’s not any bet­ter for my boys real­ly. I have tak­en the time to help them learn to love read­ing, but tak­ing the time to find the next great read? Not very much. I admit that I do cre­ate a sum­mer read­ing list for my guys, in which I pay them a buck a book, but that’s com­posed of clas­sics. If there’s a new book worth read­ing in the stores, I do not know about it. 

How do I get past this strug­gle of find­ing the right read? Remem­ber that list above? 

Peo­ple who record what they are read­ing are also great at shar­ing it with the world! 

I look at online book lists, ask read­ers in a face­book group, and join a book club of peo­ple who know how to pick great books. 

Oth­er than what Mor­timer Adler says in “How to Read a Book”, I am clue­less when it comes to pick­ing a good book. How do you teach your chil­dren how to pick up a book in a library or store and know that it is going to be a great read?