Don’t Panic!

Depend­ing on where you live, the new school year has start­ed, or it’s about to start. Are you ready? It’s okay if you aren’t. To pre­pare for this upcom­ing school year, we want to remind you of a few truths: 

  1. you can’t do every­thing, and (spoil­er alert) you should­n’t.  Espe­cial­ly if you have old­er children. 
  2. don’t start with the cur­ricu­lum, start with your goals. Bet­ter yet, start with your stu­den­t’s goals. (check out our stu­dent roadmap in the tool­box- it’s free)
  3. don’t under­es­ti­mate the affect you have as the par­ent edu­ca­tor. You set the cul­ture in your home. This cul­ture is not based on cur­ricu­lum, online cours­es, col­lege choic­es, or co-ops. It is based on your core reli­gious beliefs and convictions. 
  4. you are not alone. Oth­er like­mind­ed indi­vid­u­als on sim­i­lar jour­neys are every­where. They may be busy hus­tling, but they are there. 
  5. we are here to help your stu­dent direct­ly. We answer your stu­den­t’s math ques­tions and edit her papers so that you can focus on your fam­i­ly’s cul­ture and goals for 2020/2021  instead of try­ing to relearn algebra. 
  6. don’t wait until you are over­whelmed and in the trench­es to set­up a good sup­port sys­tem. Do it now, when math seems easy and papers are only one para­graph long. When it gets hard­er your stu­dent will already be com­fort­able going to their tutor for help. 
  7. take time to enjoy your chil­dren. Just because school has start­ed does­n’t’ mean walks in the woods cease. Rather, the fall is the per­fect time to enjoy the chang­ing leaves and crisp autumn air.

I know that your school year is going to be won­der­ful. Not because you’ve picked the best math text or you’ve joined the best band group, but because you are prepar­ing your chil­dren to be life­long learn­ers and set­ting the ulti­mate exam­ple of love. Remem­ber, no one loves your chil­dren as much as you do, except God. 



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