Taking a short semester near the end of our school year has always helped us finish our school year strong. First, by starting new topics we are able to capture some of the excitement that accompanies a new venture. Right when we might be slowing down and dragging our feet near the end of a hard year, we try to keep momentum and excitement up with a short semester. This is especially fun if you bought something at a convention that you are interested in trying out. Second, by concluding most of our courses before our short semester we are able to shorten our overall school days and give us more hands on learning. Third, with the better weather comes the chance to work outside more and do some nature studies, outside projects, gardening, farming, or physical education.
In Maine, our short semester was in spring because it was wet, muddy, and the time to start the farm chores; in Tennessee, the spring is gorgeous, so we moved our half semester to those hot, seventh ring of hell months, June and July.
This year for summer semester my family will be focusing on:
- Economics (I bought a dvd course last year and am excited to try it with my guys)
- Spelling & Handwriting (I bought these journals for the boys that you copy scripture into and answer questions, they seem really cool. Each of my big boys will be copying a gospel this summer)
- Art (great artists before the renaissance, drawing skills, and some art history)
As always, my middle and high school students have more control over their schedule than the littles. Since we will have a large break before our summer semester, they have the choice to complete their math and omnibus programs during the break or to complete it during summer semester.
Have you ever considered a short year end semester? I love the freedom it gives to pursue our passions, the chance it presents to learn something new, and the part it plays in reminding us that learning is a lifelong, year round, pursuit.