Scio Academy : Why You Need It

Here’s the deal.  We all love our chil­dren.  Seri­ous­ly.  Even if you don’t ‘feel’ it right this moment.  Chances are you even start­ed to home­school because of this love.  Maybe you want­ed to build a close rela­tion­ship with your chil­dren.  Or you felt God call­ing you to home­school.  Or you watched your spe­cial needs child strug­gle to suc­ceed in pub­lic school and, out of love, you pulled him out. 

What­ev­er your rea­son to home edu­cate your child, you’re on this jour­ney now, but you’re not alone.  A pletho­ra of home school groups, co-ops, and clubs exist all over the coun­try.  Maybe you’re even a part of one.  Maybe you dri­ve to a dif­fer­ent group every. sin­gle. day.  Maybe you’ve decid­ed that the hus­tle and bus­tle on the road has actu­al­ly got­ten you renam­ing your home school into car school, or van school, or pic­nic table school.  That’s the free­dom and the bur­den of home school. 

It is so easy to fill our days with activ­i­ties that we for­get what’s most impor­tant.  Maybe your week­ly vis­it to the same zoo is impor­tant, maybe it isn’t.  Only you can decide.  But what do you do when you know that you need help but can’t fit in one more dri­ve to one more event? 

If this was a play, then this is when the tutors at Scio Acad­e­my would enter, sweep you off your feet, and live hap­pi­ly ever after.  This isn’t a play, and we can’t solve all of your prob­lems, but we can help you refo­cus your home­school vision to help you get back on track. How? 

First, sub­scribe to our free newslet­ter to receive a guide on cre­at­ing your home­school vision. 

Sec­ond, check out the core class­es and tuto­ri­als that we’ve cre­at­ed to free you up to focus on the high­est pri­or­i­ties in your home school.  We at Scio focus on help­ing your mid­dle and high school­ers take con­trol of their edu­ca­tion.  In our tuto­ri­als, we meet week­ly and answer your stu­den­t’s ques­tions direct­ly. No more load­ing your kids into the mini­van again. No more dri­ving across town. No more wait­ing with all of your lit­tles while your old­est meets with a tutor. 

But what if you need more? What if you need to com­plete­ly walk away from a few of the hard­est parts of home­school­ing high school­ers? What if you need some­one else to hold your teen accountable? 

Start­ing in Sep­tem­ber 2019, Scio also offers a ser­vice A+ upgrade to some of our core tuto­ri­als. These upgrades are designed to come along­side your stu­dent direct­ly. Hold­ing her account­able to com­plet­ing the home­work, cre­at­ing and cor­rect­ing assess­ments, and meet­ing month­ly to dis­cuss her jour­ney specif­i­cal­ly, Scio A+ meets in small groups online, in addi­tion to our week­ly tuto­r­i­al, for your ben­e­fit and your stu­dents.  Con­sid­er the peace of mind that comes with know­ing that your child is receiv­ing bib­li­cal men­tor­ship through dif­fi­cult top­ics and courses. 

Check out our Scio Tuto­ri­als com­ing for the fall of Sep­tem­ber 2019 and the Scio A+ ser­vice upgrades avail­able on the course page!


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