Why King Lear?

At any moment in the Unit­ed States you can find a Shake­speare play being per­formed, espe­cial­ly in the sum­mer and fall.  We have Shake­speare in the park, and sum­mer play hous­es that focus on the Bard him­self.  While ten out of every twelve the­aters have per­formed ‘Twelfth Night’ or ‘A Mid­sum­mer Night’s Dream’  in the last sea­son, you’d be hard pressed to find one hav­ing com­plet­ed ‘King Lear’ recent­ly.  Why is that?  Why does the old king come in seem­ing­ly last place next to Ham­let, Hen­ry, Edward, or he who must not be named? 

  • Is it lack of vio­lence? nope. 
  • Is it lack of intrigue? cer­tain­ly not. 
  • Is it lack of love and pow­er? no again. 

Truth be known, we have no idea why more play­hous­es don’t take on the great old King Lear.  He’s got it all:  Pow­er, mon­ey, ene­mies, beau­ti­ful daugh­ters, war brew­ing, and a ready deathbed. Every­thing a king fit for a play should have.  So why not study him? Let’s do it! 

Join Aman­da start­ing Jan­u­ary 15th at 4:30 pm EST as she shows us why King Lear should be at the top of every­one’s Shake­speare play list!


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