Why Home Based?

Part 2 of 3 : explain­ing the mis­sion of Scio Academy

To equip families with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to provide a God-Centered, Home-Based, and Parent-Directed education


God called Adam and Eve to start the first fam­i­ly. He built them a home, and gave them pur­pose.  It is with­in our home that our chil­dren first learn how to under­stand, engage with, and strength­en the soci­ety around them.   The strength of the fam­i­ly home is the strength of the com­mu­ni­ty.   

Scio strives to strength­en fam­i­lies where fam­i­lies first func­tioned, their homes.  The fam­i­ly is first and that is why Scio works to adapt our­selves to the needs of each fam­i­ly that we serve.  Our stu­dents are not mere­ly indi­vid­ual islands, but a part of a larg­er community. 

The home is a launch­ing point for our chil­dren.  It is where our chil­dren start­ed their lives and it is what they will cre­ate for their own fam­i­lies in the future.  Our homes are impor­tant.   Treat­ing our stu­dents’ fam­i­lies and homes with the respect that they deserve includes offer­ing class­es to our stu­dents at their con­ve­nience and in their homes.  We don’t require fam­i­lies to bend their needs to our sched­ule, but strive to offer fam­i­lies our ser­vice when and where the fam­i­ly needs it.  Thanks to tech­nol­o­gy we can offer class­es to all fam­i­lies in their homes and on their schedule.

Strength­en­ing soci­ety by edu­cat­ing fam­i­lies in their homes is the sec­ond part of the mis­sion of Scio.