Why Parent Directed?

Part 3 of 3 : explain­ing the mis­sion of Scio Academy

To equip families with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to provide a God-Centered, Home-Based, and Parent-Directed education


When a child is born, a per­son ceas­es to be mere­ly a man or a woman, but is trans­formed into a dad or a mom. With few excep­tions, par­ents will stop at noth­ing to pro­vide the absolute best for their children. 

Par­ents are the first and fore­most author­i­ty to their child.  Until that child reach­es adult­hood, the par­ent is called to feed, clothe, house, nur­ture, and edu­cate him.  To some extent, par­ents receive help.  They look to var­i­ous pro­fes­sion­als to help them with their impos­si­ble mis­sion.  They seek a doctor’s exper­tise to help keep their chil­dren healthy.   They appeal to carseat com­pa­nies when they trust them to pro­duce a safe seat for their child.  They may out­source edu­ca­tion to a pub­lic, char­ter, or pri­vate school.  Ulti­mate­ly, how­ev­er, the respon­si­bil­i­ty for that child rests on the parents. 

Every oth­er author­i­ty in a student’s life is sec­ondary to that of the par­ent.  At Scio Acad­e­my, we work with par­ents and stu­dents to equip, edu­cate, and empow­er through edu­ca­tion.  How­ev­er, our place is below the par­ent.  We edu­cate as par­ents, but we don’t replace them.   

Equip­ping par­ents to lead their chil­dren in their pur­suit of truth, good­ness, and beau­ty is the third part of the mis­sion of Scio.