Why God Centered?

Part 1 of 3 : explain­ing the mis­sion of Scio Academy

To equip families with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to provide a God-Centered, Home-Based, and Parent-Directed education


Greeks believed that the spir­it was good, and the phys­i­cal world was bad.  They hypoth­e­sized about sci­ence but nev­er per­formed experiments. 

Romans believed that the gods were lim­it­ed and often cor­rupt.  They paid homage to all gods so as not to insult any. 

His­to­ry shows us that peo­ple make deci­sions based on their beliefs.  This is still true today.  Who you are and what you believe dic­tates how you will behave. 

At Scio Acad­e­my, our tutors are unashamed­ly chris­t­ian.  We live our lives with the God of the bible at the cen­ter of our world.  This is evi­dent in our teach­ings.  It’s how we see the world.  As chris­tians, we strive to be respect­ful of all per­sons, as we are all cre­at­ed in the image of God.  It is out of our faith in God that we live our lives with Him at the cen­ter.  He is the cen­ter or our lives, fam­i­lies, and education. 

Edu­cat­ing stu­dents with a bib­li­cal world­view is the first part of the mis­sion of Scio.