Scio (skē — ō) Academy

What is Scio?

Scio Acad­e­my is an edu­ca­tion cen­ter focused on pro­vid­ing resources, mate­ri­als, and class­es to par­ents and stu­dents in grades k‑12.  Local­ly, Scio works with fam­i­lies in Maine to ful­fill sci­ence, latin, cod­ing, and oth­er require­ments in their curriculum.

What does Scio do?

In the past, Scio has run sci­ence, latin, vocab­u­lary, and spelling class­es as well as coor­di­nat­ed local com­put­er pro­gram­ming clubs and First Lego League teams.  To find out what Scio is doing local­ly this year, please vis­it the page “Maine”.

In 2018, Scio has start­ed offer­ing online cours­es to stu­dents in the sub­ject area of high­er math­e­mat­ics.  By becom­ing a mem­ber of Scio’s online acad­e­my, stu­dents and par­ents gain access to math­e­mat­ics cours­es, tutor­ing ses­sions, an online forum, and train­ing videos.

What does Scio mean?

Scio is the latin verb for “I know”.  It also is the latin verb that eng­lish derives the word for sci­ence from.  In latin, the c is tra­di­tion­al­ly always hard while the i makes a long e sound.  Thus scio is pro­nounced skē — ō.

Our acad­e­my is named Scio because we strive to gain knowl­edge.  We want to know God and his cre­ation.  We even strive to know how to know or learn every­day.  As we work to know an infi­nite God we are hum­bled by the fact that ‘the more we know, the more we know we don’t know’.  Thus, scio is our reminder that while “I know, I don’t know all”.  Maybe we should be called, Scio nescio omnia.