Every Scio Acad­e­my math class fol­lows the back­bone of a sol­id math text. While this helps us focus on key con­cepts; under­stand­ing those con­cepts and apply­ing them to solve prob­lems can be tricky. Each week our live class­es meet to receive instruc­tion and ask ques­tions. This online envi­ron­ment allows stu­dents to engage in a class­room type set­ting from the com­fort of their home. These class lessons are all record­ed for future view­ing so self-paced stu­dents or those who missed class still receive the instruc­tion from the live ses­sion. We have includ­ed a few here for you to see how the live por­tion of the Scio class­es is run. The abil­i­ty for stu­dents to ask ques­tions and get spe­cif­ic help is what makes Scio Acad­e­my’s Math Mas­ters and Writ­ing Soci­ety stand out as an essen­tial part of home education. 


The sam­ple lessons below are the actu­al class­es. Most class­es run between 30 — 45 min­utes and include 20 — 30 min­utes of instruc­tion with some time of answer­ing ques­tions. Often­times the ques­tions from stu­dents are fit into the les­son. Feel free to watch as much or as lit­tle of the lessons as you’d like. These are here to give you an idea of how the dif­fer­ent lessons in the Math Mas­ters class­es are taught. Class­es con­tain a syl­labus, video lessons, and addi­tion­al math guide help. For infor­ma­tion about a spe­cif­ic course, please go to the course site under the math mas­ters link above. 


PRE ALGEBRA : Expressions

ALGEBRA 1 : Ratios


GEOMETRY : Circles

LOGIC : Validity

All Access : One Price

family enrollment is just $25 per month. 


Join our FREE short self-paced course 

Ray’s Intellectual Arithmetic

1 semes­ter — ele­men­tary course

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All Access : One Price

family enrollment is just $25 per month. 

Family Friendly! 
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Hassle Free 
Core Classes