Ray’s Intellectual Arithmetic

Intellectual Arithmetic 

Arithmetic is the skill of working with numbers. In this course, we work through Ray’s Intellectual Arithmetic as we study addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and fractions. In our study of numbers, we touch on basic number theory and place value. 


These lessons fol­low the for­mat of Ray’s New Intel­lec­tu­al Arith­metic, which can be found for free on google books. 

This study of arith­metic contains: 

  1. a video lesson
  2. book assign­ment from cor­re­spond­ing lesson
  3. week­ly activ­i­ty — list­ed on syl­labus and shared in the Scio Acad­e­my face­book group — facebook.com/groups/scioacademy
  • Pre­req­ui­sites: num­ber recognition
  • Mate­ri­als:
    • Ray’s Intel­lec­tu­al Arithmetic


Course Content
