Preparing for this up-coming school year has looked different than all the years before. It seemed to me, for a long time, that the grammar stage would just last forever. Getting comfortable with days that aren’t as successful as I would have liked them to be took a while, but it happened. After years of […]
When we were in the height of the chaos of 2020, not going anywhere, not having anyone in, I clearly remember a moment that I flippantly identified as “losing my mind”, in which I briefly thought about ironing my cloth napkins. It was humorous to everyone, and like-minded stay-at-home-moms echoed that laughter, and we moved
Why Mathematics?
Creating wonder in our children comes naturally when we consider the world around us. What 2 year-old isn’t fascinated by the cooking pots, dog, or snow outside? These seemingly normal occurrences are new, exciting, and mysterious to our young children. Building from this natural God-given wonder at the world seems obvious when it comes to
Where to Start with Math
The single most difficult decision you may find yourself making with homeschooling is deciding where to start with the formal study of mathematics. Maybe this is all hyperbole and you’ve never struggled with this decision. If that’s the case, I’d like to encourage you to think about it. Where should you start with the study
Where to Start with Math Read More »
Those of us who attended public school can remember the teachers that were great. The subject may not have been our favorite, but the atmosphere of a class where the teacher loved teaching, was wonderful. Of course, we can also remember the classes where no one, including the teacher, really wanted to be there. In