Those of us who attended public school can remember the teachers that were great. The subject may not have been our favorite, but the atmosphere of a class where the teacher loved teaching, was wonderful. Of course, we can also remember the classes where no one, including the teacher, really wanted to be there. In […]
High School
Why Miracles?
The Church has been made by Christ and must live according to Christ. [Christ] comes to destroy [sinful passions], and give [men] His grace, so as to make of them all one Holy Church. (Pascal, 783) As Pascal reminds us, our passions keep us apart from God. It is through the death of these passions,
Just Keep Writing
Everyone should learn to write. I know, I know! Many of you are groaning at this thought, having just spent hours working with your child on his current writing project, ending in tears and frustration! Perhaps you’re cringing at flashbacks from your high school days when you were assigned an x-number-of-words essay. Although, for most,
The Will of God
Through Christ we are enlightened to understand the works of God : We understand nothing of the works of God, if we do not take as a principle that He has willed to blind some and enlighten others. (Pascal, 566) How do we know the works and will of God? We turn to scripture. In