A Challenge
It’s February. Which means that we are or soon may be fighting off the winter doldrums. Part of the struggle with the doldrums is a sense of purposelessness. The temptation is to ask questions like: Why are we studying these polynomials anyway? Who needs to learn about matrices? When even am I going to use
Modern States
Over Christmas break I studied pre calculus. While I taught pre calculus last year and continue to help students in this course, there is always more to learn. I decided to study pre calculus for two main reasons: I am a student and I am a teacher. First, I am a student. I want to
Check your Pizza Cutting Habits
Before Christmas, I asked my Pre algebra students why we cut our pies and pizzas into 8 slices. While there is the occasional rebel slicing the pies into 6 slices and some pizzas into 12 slices, the vast majority of us seem to favor 8. Is it because we all love the number 8? What’s
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Career Aptitude
I shared last week that our focus in our family isn’t on career aptitude. We don’t help our children choose a career at age 12 and then custom steer their high school years for that specific job. I find this ironically funny and entertaining because it’s something that I wish my own public education would