Where I live, winter is very long. Usually around this time, I am ready for spring. I buy my seeds and start planning my garden, and I just can’t wait to smell earth. But if I’m not careful, I will start to resent winter and its grayness and I will only love the promise of […]
The Overwhelmed Homeschooler
Our kids can’t know everything. As a homeschooling mother, this concept really stresses me out. I remember when my oldest was leaving the grammar years and entering into the next phase of learning, I was planning out our school year, and I panicked. I was bombarded with an overwhelming list of books that I wanted
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Seen & Heard
As our kids get older, it is important to recognize that they are, in fact, older. We can accidentally (or sometimes purposely), adhere to the old adage that children should be seen and not heard, and continue in it for far too long. When my kids were younger we had many teaching moments about conversations
Since Thanksgiving is just around the corner, thankfulness has been on my mind. I recently came across Ecclesiastes 7:10: “Say not, “Why were the former days better than these?” For it is not from wisdom that you ask this.” Guilty. I have constantly longed for a fantasy conjured up by blissful scenes from Anne of
As my children get older, I am often surprised to find that they are learning things that I don’t know. I shouldn’t be surprised, I am the one orchestrating their school year, gathering their curriculum, and planning out the lessons, but it still happens. While engaged in a healthy discussion with my eldest daughter, she