What you Love

Do what you love and you’ll nev­er work a day in your life. 

That’s how the idiom goes. This seems to be the career goal of every per­son in my gen­er­a­tion. While the moti­vat­ing fac­tor for this say­ing may bring us to a place of find­ing work we love, it also ignores a very real real­i­ty: At some point,  you will find your­self dis­cour­aged about your work. Does this mean that you failed to find your life­long pas­sion? Of course not.

I am priv­i­leged with the abil­i­ty and free­dom to home edu­cate my chil­dren and help oth­ers to do so. Even though 95% of our school days find me excit­ed to dive into the world of latin, sci­ence projects, and math, I still have unmo­ti­vat­ed days. Yes­ter­day was such a day. I find that on those days I need two things: 

  1. Friends who under­stand. I don’t need some­one who tries to fix my prob­lem, ana­lyzes my deci­sion to edu­cate from home, or even gives me a pep talk. I need a friend who is also doing what she loves and has found it dif­fi­cult. Because every­thing on this side of heav­en is hard, even the things we love. It’s the nature of the fall and why I need: 
  2. A God who is sov­er­eign. At the end of the day, I did­n’t choose my path in a vac­u­um. God direct­ed me. He knows what is best and He knows what is hard and He will bring the sal­va­tion and right­eous­ness of His people. 

If the Feb­ru­ary blues start­ed run­ning into March this year and you find your­self sur­round­ed by mud, both phys­i­cal and men­tal. You are not alone, it is hard and God will give you the strength to do the work that He has pre­pared for you. 


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