Summer Planning!

Sum­mer plan­ning hits us all in dif­fer­ent ways. Either you are the per­son who fin­ished school in May and dove right into plan­ning in June, or you have been enjoy­ing the sum­mer days and plan to get your act togeth­er in August. If you are the for­mer, then I salute you. Every year, I attempt to be that per­son. If you are the lat­ter, then you are in good com­pa­ny. Also, August starts tomorrow. 

Plan­ning an edu­ca­tion plan for mul­ti­ple stu­dents can seem daunt­ing and chaot­ic. My desk spends most of June, July, and August hid­den in books. One way that I’ve sim­pli­fied my plan­ning each year is to put the entire plan for each of my chil­dren in one doc­u­ment on my com­put­er. I use the Scio plan­ning pages to map out each of my high school stu­den­t’s careers while also using the plan­ning page to show goals, habits, cours­es, and extracur­ric­u­lar activ­i­ties for each stu­dent. After print­ing them and look­ing at one sim­ple page; the chaos, pile of books, and web­site tabs don’t seem so daunting. 

I’ve includ­ed a pho­to of my son’s junior high school year plan for you to see how sim­ple it can tru­ly be. Math Mas­ters can find the plan­ning pages and oth­er free tools in the toolbox. 



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