What Fun!

Are you hav­ing fun teach­ing? Over the course of our home­school we have had a lot of suc­cess­ful learn­ing, and a lot of set­backs. Things that I thought would come easy have proven to be dif­fi­cult, and I have been sur­prised at the areas that we have thrived in.

Every fam­i­ly has that one sub­ject that threw them for a loop; math, read­ing, writ­ing. And every fam­i­ly has that one sub­ject that just feels like anoth­er mem­ber of the family.

For us, log­ic seems to have tak­en that posi­tion. Our kids cer­tain­ly excel in oth­er sub­jects as well, and we have had moments of joy in ele­ments of all of them. But isn’t it fun when your whole class is tak­ing it in and par­tic­i­pat­ing and under­stand­ing? I cur­rent­ly have two dif­fer­ent lev­els of log­ic going right now, ele­men­tary and jr high, and I am hav­ing so much fun with it that the fun has spread.

It is not with­out its chal­lenges. We had to slow down on our syl­lo­gisms, and I had a few moments of “let me look at this again and get back to you”, but it is a sub­ject that we all enjoy.

All this to say, when we expe­ri­ence joy in teach­ing, it becomes eas­i­er to find joy in teach­ing the sub­jects that aren’t as obvi­ous­ly joy­ful. Much like a reluc­tant read­er who sud­den­ly dis­cov­ers a book they like and it sets them on the path of read­ing, dis­cov­er­ing that teach­ing can be fun nat­u­ral­ly opens the door to hav­ing fun with the dif­fi­cult subjects,

Joy is con­ta­gious. So let’s fin­ish up the school year joyfully!

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