Struggle to Work

It’s iron­ic how a home­school­ing moth­er can car­ry around this immense amount of guilt sur­round­ing how lit­tle time she spends with her kids.  She is with her tod­dlers all the time.  She meets their needs every sec­ond of the day, yet, she may still feel as though she isn’t doing enough. 

A moth­er of high school­ers may find her­self won­der­ing how to get back to the begin­ning.  Like Ini­go Mon­toya in the Princess Bride, when our teenagers fight against us over and over, we want to go back.  How do we go back to the begin­ning where it all start­ed?  With the pic­nics in the park, read­ing Pig­gy and Ger­ald, and enjoy­ing grapes while laugh­ing at the clouds.  The jour­ney makes us more like Christ, but some­times we feel as though we could real­ly use a redo.  A chance to go back and do things differently.

We all strug­gle with some­thing.  It’s the nature of the fall.  Instead of suf­fer­ing alone, we need to bear each oth­er’s bur­dens and give each oth­er courage to fin­ish the job well. We do this best when we are in a com­mu­ni­ty. Man can­not live on bread alone and woman can­not home­school in iso­la­tion. You were called to edu­cate your chil­dren, but you weren’t called to do every­thing with­out help. 

Some­times work­ing hard and show­ing our chil­dren per­se­ver­ance includes show­ing them what to do when you are strug­gling: phone a friend, pray, and ask for help. 

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