Peak of Pascal

We have come to the end of our jour­ney with Pas­cal. I hope that you are as encour­aged by the words of the great math­e­mati­cian and the­olo­gian as I am. Pascal’s text Pensees con­cludes with a focus on mir­a­cles, and a reca­pit­u­la­tion of our journey:

I pre­fer to fol­low Jesus Christ than any oth­er, because He has mir­a­cle, prophe­cy, doc­trine, and per­pe­tu­ity. (Pas­cal, 822) 

Of all of the rea­sons to study math­e­mat­ics, the sin­gle goal of fol­low­ing Christ to the Father through the lan­guage of cre­ation is one that Chris­tians can­not neglect. Because Jesus has per­formed mir­a­cles, which val­i­date his claims as Mes­si­ah, as proph­e­sied, we study the doc­trines of the faith and see the per­pe­tu­ity of the king­dom through the con­sis­ten­cies of our world.

Because math­e­mat­ics is order­ly, pre­dictable, and a shad­ow of the truth around us, we know there is some­thing greater than our­selves that is order­ly, eter­nal, and truth.

Because Jesus has per­formed mir­a­cles, we know that He is the key to tru­ly under­stand­ing math­e­mat­ics and the world that it reveals.

No oth­er belief has so much evi­dence for an infi­nite, eter­nal, omni­scient, lov­ing God. Thus, I hap­pi­ly con­clude with Pas­cal to be for­ev­er thankful.

As God has made no fam­i­ly more hap­py, let it also be the case that He find none more thank­ful. (Pas­cal, 856)

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