Inside the Art of Problem Solving

You’ve prob­a­bly noticed that our math mem­ber­ship uses the Art of Prob­lem Solv­ing texts. While these books are not nec­es­sar­i­ly the only books that we use, they are some of our favorites. 

Have you ever wondered what the Art of Problem Solving texts look like? 


Unless you are one of the lucky few peo­ple to have seen Lori’s face­book live a while ago, then you may not know the answer to this ques­tion. To appease your curios­i­ty, we thought that we’d share the face­book live video below. 

Here are some of the high­lights that Lori shares in the video: 

  1. A spe­cif­ic phi­los­o­phy : stu­dents learn bet­ter by self-discovery
  2. Prac­tice prob­lems occur at the begin­ning and end of the lesson
  3. Chap­ter review ses­sions include chal­lenge problems
  4. No tests 
  5. No spi­ral review
  6. One goal is to teach a per­son to think

Want to see how these texts teach chil­dren how to dis­cov­er the truths of math­e­mat­ics and con­tin­ue to apply those skills to new concepts? 

Enjoy Lori’s video below!



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