Online Courses to Fit Your Needs

You may have noticed that not all of our online cours­es at Scio Acad­e­my are exact­ly the same, and you would be cor­rect. At the heart of our online cours­es, we have the goal to teach your chil­dren think­ing and com­mu­ni­cat­ing skills. Some­times, it isn’t nec­es­sary to com­plete an entire 1.0 cred­it course to learn a skill. 

Our Math Mas­ters focus on prob­lem solv­ing and think­ing. That means that we have three types of cours­es for our stu­dents and their families: 

1. Complete courses 

Includ­ing every­thing from the syl­labus to a live week­ly class ses­sion, these cours­es get the com­plete high school cred­it while pro­vid­ing the sup­port that you and your stu­dent needs. For these class­es, buy the sug­gest­ed text, print the syl­labus, and let’s get started! 

2. Self-Paced courses 

While sim­i­lar to our com­plete cours­es, these cours­es range from con­tain­ing a sug­gest­ed sched­ule and record­ed lessons to being a short 6 ‑10 week skill based course. Some of the cours­es in this cat­e­go­ry are com­plete high school cred­its, done at your own pace, but oth­ers are more of a gut punch of skill lessons. Some­times, we just need to brush up on some gaps. While includ­ed and cre­at­ed for math mas­ters, these cours­es are also avail­able to pur­chase sep­a­rate­ly from the group. So if you want a short sum­mer semes­ter type review or skill based course, this is your answer. 

3. Club courses 

These are where I get excit­ed. These are bonus cours­es that are only avail­able to our math mas­ters or writ­ing soci­ety mem­bers. These are not high school cred­it cours­es, but more club type mate­r­i­al to chal­lenge and engage stu­dents. Club cours­es are less demand­ing of your time and syl­labus, but help your stu­den­t’s mind grow in his under­stand­ing of a sol­id math and writ­ing education. 


So there you have it. Three types of cours­es for three pur­pos­es. Whether you want some­one to guide you through the entire year, help you check off some skills, or just encour­age your stu­dent to think well, we’ve got you cov­ered at Scio Academy! 

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