The Secrets to High School Math Success

If you spent this past February surfing the web or cruising the convention aisles searching for the perfect math curricula, then it might surprise you to hear me say that the book you choose is not the key to success in high school math. In fact, if you compare today's math curricula with Ray's algebra (published in the 1800s), the only real difference is the amount of instruction. The concepts covered are almost exactly the same.

So what are the secrets to high school math success?


Accountability :

We all know that the more accountability we have with a task, the more likely we are to complete it. Likewise, if our children have someone to show their work to each week, then they are more likely to finish the work.  If there's a day of reckoning, then they are going to prepare for it.  

Work Ethic :

Let's be honest. The study of mathematics is hard work. This is not a surprise to any long term student of mathematics. As we progress through algebra and into trigonometry our homework problems start to take more time and more space on the paper. This is normal, and the best way to prepare for it is to have a good work ethic. 

Help :

The single biggest thing you can do to help your child through mathematics is to get your child help. The benefits of having someone to go to with math questions are twofold. First, they help the student understand the material. Second, they help the student understand the material, so you don't have to. 

At Scio Academy, we work to provide all three of these keys to you and your family. First, Our tutoring sessions follow a syllabus and meet weekly to give goals and accountability for completing the course to our students. Second, our tutors challenge our students to build a strong work ethic through ownership of their studies and coursework. Third, Scio tutors work tirelessly to answer students' questions in class and throughout the week via email. 

Email today to see how she can help you assemble a mathematics high school plan that works for you and your student. 




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