
At my most inse­cure, uncer­tain moments as a home­school­er, I am remind­ed that my pur­pose is not ful­filled by what my kids can exhib­it, but to equip them with the abil­i­ty to learn. 

Tempt­ed to feel dimin­ished by the lack of latin recita­tion, the absence of dra­ma per­for­mances or cod­ing class­es, like Chris­t­ian on the road to the Celes­tial City, I turn aside. But when I tru­ly see

what is before me, I can see that my chil­dren have every­thing they need. They read on their own, they ask  ques­tions, they teach me. They are learn­ing how to learn.

They are free to study Latin if they choose, or join a play, or what­ev­er else peaks their inter­est, but my job is to lead them to Christ, not to col­lege. To instill in them 

a love of learn­ing, not stuff them full of knowledge. 

I am look­ing for­ward to next year, but i am also look­ing for­ward to tomor­row. I am look­ing for­ward to loos­en­ing my grip on ideals, and open­ing the door to won­der and truth. 

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