Why Test?

If we teach for mas­tery, then why would we both­er to com­plete tests? 

This is a valid ques­tion. Espe­cial­ly for those of us that require our stu­dents have a firm grasp on the mate­r­i­al before pro­gress­ing through the course. This is why it takes some of us longer to com­plete course­work than oth­ers. But if we’re teach­ing our chil­dren to mas­ter the mate­r­i­al that they are study­ing, why would we give them tests? 

While there are many oth­er ways to show mas­tery, com­plet­ing a test is a great option. If you read our blog post on study­ing, then you found that the work required to pre­pare for a test builds good study skills. 

Check out the com­ple­men­tary post on study­ing here: https://scioacademy.com/2019/07/01/why-study/

In truth, I give very few tests. I find that the best tests are the open end­ed essay ones, which require many hours to com­plete and grade. Often, I find the ben­e­fits from tests can be achieved some oth­er way.

How­ev­er, there are areas in life which ben­e­fit from test tak­ing skills.

  • tests require preparation

Build­ing good study skills and plan­ning to com­plete a test in the giv­en amount of time to show a lev­el of mas­tery is a skill worth pursuing.

  • tests build prob­lem solv­ing skills

Do you want to build your prob­lem solv­ing skills? take a mul­ti­ple choice test about some­thing that you know noth­ing about. This is actu­al­ly the cat­e­go­ry that most SAT prep class­es focus on.

  • tests mod­el life skills

For­mal tests may not be part of the every­day life of most peo­ple, but have you been to the DMV or Dr’s office late­ly? Com­plet­ing a form is a very real part of life and tests are a great tool for learn­ing how to com­plete forms.

Regard­less of whether you give reg­u­lar tests or not, there are times when your stu­dents will need to com­plete a tra­di­tion­al test. The SAT, ACT, CLT, and for­mal train­ing tests are not to be com­plet­ed light­ly. What bet­ter way to pre­pare for for­mal test­ing than prac­tic­ing with sim­ple con­sis­tent tests?

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