Why Portfolios?

A port­fo­lio is a pic­ture of you.  It is a short col­lec­tion of works and records that reveal you as a stu­dent, a par­tic­i­pant, and a per­son.  A port­fo­lio answers the ques­tion: “Who are you really?”

As a snap­shot of your stu­dent, a port­fo­lio is espe­cial­ly use­ful in the col­lege admis­sion process. 

A port­fo­lio grows our stu­dents in three areas:

  1. Proac­tive­ness : Imag­ine your­self in 4 years, what do you want to have com­plet­ed by then? What are the goals you have for your high school years.  Where do you want to go after high school. Our stu­dent roadmap is a great guide to get our stu­dents start­ed on this path of proac­tive­ly engag­ing with their high school years, and it’s free — Just reg­is­ter for the free mem­ber­ship and access it in the toolbox. 
  2. Orga­ni­za­tion : Do you know what’s worse than star­ing at 4 years of piles of papers and try­ing to sort them into a port­fo­lio? Me nei­ther. Start­ing a port­fo­lio when our stu­dents are just enter­ing high school is so sim­ple and also teach­es our kids to start mas­ter­ing the key skill of organization.
  3. Par­tic­i­pa­tion : Our stu­dents are often faced with oppor­tu­ni­ties to par­tic­i­pate in vol­un­teer work, clubs, and lead­er­ship pro­grams.  Sim­ply know­ing that each oppor­tu­ni­ty becomes a record in his port­fo­lio may be all your son needs to get more involved in the community.

While a port­fo­lio is most­ly col­lect­ed for col­lege admis­sions, it is clear that isn’t its only ben­e­fit. A port­fo­lio stretch­es our chil­dren to be bet­ter stu­dents, par­tic­i­pants, and per­sons. It helps our chil­dren fil­ter through the muck and high­light their strengths. It gives a phys­i­cal record for our student’s progress in high school, and it chal­lenges our stu­dents to grow more. 

How do we cre­ate a portfolio? 

What specif­i­cal­ly do we include in a portfolio?

When do we share our portfolio?

These ques­tions and many more are being con­tem­plat­ed, dis­cussed, and answered on our blog this month and on our face­book page. Join us as we explore the high school portfolio!

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