Stage Five : The Repeat

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Just when you think you’ve fin­ished, you should prob­a­bly start again.  That’s what life often feels like, and hon­est­ly, it’s how we tend to teach our chil­dren.  One of the foun­da­tion­al beliefs for a clas­si­cal edu­ca­tion is the impor­tance of rep­e­ti­tion in ful­ly cement­ing infor­ma­tion into our brains.  Like run­ning drills in a sport, repeat­ing infor­ma­tion to our­selves is how our brain mus­cles grow stronger.  The more you mem­o­rize, the more you are able to memorize. 

The impor­tance of rep­e­ti­tion is seen in our stu­dent roadmap.  When you have walked through the entire map and have a plan laid out in front of you, con­sid­er start­ing again.  When mile­stones come up that we did­n’t have on our orig­i­nal path, con­sid­er start­ing again. When you decide to pur­sue a spe­cif­ic col­lege degree, con­sid­er start­ing again.  Each day God starts the day with the sun­set. He starts again every sin­gle day. He starts the moons cycle every sin­gle month. He starts the earth on the same path every year.  Do you see the impor­tance of the repeat? 

Remem­ber this is about help­ing our stu­dents build and devel­op the skills of plan­ning and prepar­ing for life’s adven­tures. Depend­ing on when you first cre­at­ed the roadmap with your stu­dent, you will most like­ly need to do it again.  Now that you’ve had time to think about each step thor­ough­ly, go down­load your com­plete stu­dent roadmap book­let in the tool­box and start again. Fol­low up with your stu­dent to ensure that any missed mile­stones are added to the path and to help your stu­dent con­tin­ue to work towards his destination. 

  • Want more help cre­at­ing a roadmap for your stu­dent?  
  • Join Scio Acad­e­my to receive access to all of our great resources in the edu­ca­tor’s tool­box designed to help you lead your stu­dent through the mid­dle and high school years.
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