Mentorship : The First Step

We talk a lot about men­tor­ing at Scio.  That’s because we tru­ly believe that the best edu­ca­tion is found through self-moti­vat­ed guid­ance and men­tor­ing.  A stu­dent who desires to learn will learn bet­ter and faster with a guide to lead her.   How do you give your mid­dle and high school stu­dents a men­tor to fol­low?  How do you be a good men­tor for your children?

What’s the first step?

I believe the first step to men­tor­ing your chil­dren is to mod­el for your kids a healthy christ cen­tered adult life.  In short, do stuff in your life that you want your kids to do in their adult life.  If read­ing is some­thing you empha­size as impor­tant for your chil­dren to do, then you need to be read­ing as an adult.  If you claim to be too busy to read, then the mes­sage you send is that read­ing actu­al­ly isn’t important.

It’s the same old mantra, ‘more is caught than taught’. It’s why we bring our chil­dren to church with us, and don’t just drop them off.  It’s why we involve them in gro­cery shop­ping, pay­ing the bills, fil­ing paper­work, cook­ing, clean­ing, and every oth­er ‘adult’ task.  It is how they learn. 

How do we teach our chil­dren to pur­sue learn­ing as a life­time endeav­or?  How do we teach our chil­dren to take time to read the bible? How do we teach our chil­dren to pray? 

When the dis­ci­ples asked Jesus how to pray, He answered with a prayer.  He mod­eled how to pray.  Jesus spent hours pray­ing.  That is how He taught them to pray. 

  • If we want to teach our chil­dren to be life­long read­ers, then we need to show them how to fit read­ing into a busy adult life. 
  • If we want to teach our chil­dren that prayer and bible study is impor­tant, then we need to make prayer and bible study a part of our lives. 
  • If we want to teach our chil­dren to play an instru­ment and cre­ate music, then we need to mod­el how to include music in our lives. 

We want bet­ter for our chil­dren than the 9–5 rat race, and that means mod­el­ing what that bet­ter is in our own lives.  We are our chil­dren’s first mentor. 




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