Why Parent Directed?

Part 3 of 3 : explaining the mission of Scio Academy

To equip families with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to provide a God-Centered, Home-Based, and Parent-Directed education


When a child is born, a person ceases to be merely a man or a woman, but is transformed into a dad or a mom. With few exceptions, parents will stop at nothing to provide the absolute best for their children. 

Parents are the first and foremost authority to their child.  Until that child reaches adulthood, the parent is called to feed, clothe, house, nurture, and educate him.  To some extent, parents receive help.  They look to various professionals to help them with their impossible mission.  They seek a doctor’s expertise to help keep their children healthy.   They appeal to carseat companies when they trust them to produce a safe seat for their child.  They may outsource education to a public, charter, or private school.  Ultimately, however, the responsibility for that child rests on the parents. 

Every other authority in a student’s life is secondary to that of the parent.  At Scio Academy, we work with parents and students to equip, educate, and empower through education.  However, our place is below the parent.  We educate as parents, but we don’t replace them.   

Equipping parents to lead their children in their pursuit of truth, goodness, and beauty is the third part of the mission of Scio.