
trigonometry : functions : matrices 

Pre calculus focuses on preparing students for the complex study of the infinite in college calculus by introducing infinite functions, vectors, and complex processes with matrices. 

  • Scio’s pre­cal­cu­lus course includes mate­r­i­al from three dif­fer­ent pre­cal­cu­lus, trigonom­e­try, and col­lege alge­bra cours­es. Assign­ments are tak­en from the main text, Foer­ster’s Alge­bra & Trigonom­e­try, as well as pro­vid­ed handouts
  • Text: Foer­ster Alge­bra & Trigonometry 
  • Pre­req­ui­sites: Alge­bra 2 & Geometry


How to nav­i­gate the course: 

  1. enroll as math master
  2. pur­chase text
  3. down­load and print the syllabus *
  4. watch the les­son video
  5. fol­low syl­labus for course assignments
  6. email ques­tions to tutor
  7. email com­plet­ed chap­ter tests to tutor for feedback


* syllabus, etc can be found in the logistics unit below