Pre Algebra 

Pre algebra, historically known as advanced arithmetic, is a yearlong course aimed at middle school students.   The goal of pre algebra is to reinforce arithmetic concepts and introduce concrete thinkers to some of the abstract concepts that they will encounter in algebra. 

  • Scio’s pre alge­bra course fol­lows the for­mat of the sug­gest­ed text
  • Sug­gest­ed Text: Pre Alge­bra by The Art of Prob­lem Solving 
  • Pre­req­ui­sites: Arith­metic mas­tery with num­bers, basic oper­a­tions. Basic under­stand­ing of frac­tions, dec­i­mals, and percents.


How to nav­i­gate for the course: 

  1. enroll as math master
  2. pur­chase text
  3. reg­is­ter for live class communications *
  4. down­load and print the syllabus *
  5. fol­low syl­labus for course assignments
  6. email addi­tion­al ques­tions to tutor
  7. join live class 


* syllabus, schedule, registration, etc can be found in the logistics unit below

Live Class Sessions 

Wednesdays sept — may 

Course Content 

Looking for a Pre Algebra Review Course?

follow the syllabus : watch the lesson videos : complete the homework : email additional questions 

Course Content
