Erica Bertram

“You need to learn to expand your horizons.” This is definitely one of the most common phrases that I utter as a parent, particularly in regards to food. However recently it has taken on new meaning in our school. It’s easy to read books that we are interested in, and it’s quite difficult to read […]

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There comes a moment in the lives of those of us with children, where we, for a fleeting fleshly second, speak into the open air the question, “why do we have to care so much?” One of these moments had arisen in our home recently when we were evaluating the decision to allow a certain

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It’s easy to become complacent about our calling. It can frequently become the object of our scorn; the thing we want to “hurry up and get done”. But the great thing about having a calling, is just that. We were called to it. We didn’t trip into it. Everyone’s looks different. Mine happens to be

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Throughout our years of homeschooling, I have needed help more times than I can count. From my general insecurities as a teacher, to learning the rigorous Latin declensions, having a seasoned mentor to guide you is invaluable. So naturally, when we have a handle on things, we want to help those just starting out, or

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