Setting Math Goals

Every January we are inundated with the need to set goals. Our intentions are good. We setup a spot to sit by the wood stove, complete with tea and chocolate. Maybe you start some inspiring instrumental music like Vivaldi or Dvorak. All of the variables are set. If you are able to successfully complete the steps above, then you have already successfully completed one task for 2025. However, if you're like me, you completed part of the preparatory list above, sat down quickly in order to at least start the process, and spent 20 minutes gazing out of the window hoping for snow. Maybe we'll set some math goals in 2026. After all, school starts this week and I no longer have the "scheduled" time to sit and think.

If this described you at all, I would like to welcome you to make that your goal. Goals must be measurable and specific. Here's mine: spend 5 minutes each week sitting by the wood stove, or in the window, or outside, and write down what I see. What patterns do I observe? What sounds do I hear?

Is this a math goal? Yes. I am learning to see the truth of God in His created order by observing consistent patterns. This is the origins and heart of a mathematical journey, and I welcome you to join me.





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