2023 Orientation!


Are you a Math Master and wondering how to find your course material? Watch this year’s orientation video and be ready for another great year of math exploration! 


If videos aren’t your thing, here’s a run­down in text form: 

  1. signup for Scio Acad­e­my Math Mas­ters Mem­ber­ship — just $25 per month for the entire family.
  2. go to the logis­tics unit (first one in list) in the course sites of the class­es you want your child to attend
  3. add your stu­den­t’s email to the course email list
  4. down­load and print the course syl­labus — check syl­labus for first day assign­ment ( only AOPS alge­bra has a pre assignment)
  5. pur­chase the text for the course
  6. join live class via zoom with code from email
  7. mute micro­phone and do not share your camera
  8. open chat box for engag­ing in class
  9. email me ( Lori ) with any questions


In case you missed it, here are the live course schedules for this year: 


Wednesdays starting September 6th

  • 2 pm : AOPS Prealgebra 

I have yet to find a more chal­leng­ing, com­plete, and approach­able pre alge­bra text as this one. If you think that your child’s math edu­ca­tion is some­thing to cringe your way through, then admit­ted­ly this class is not for you. How­ev­er, if you have come to under­stand that the art of math­e­mat­ics is about dis­cov­er­ing the hid­den pat­terns and shap­ing our finite minds to com­pre­hend the infi­nite, then this is your math class! AOPS pre alge­bra takes time to adapt, as it lit­er­al­ly molds our minds to dis­cov­er the Truth of God through his logos. 

  • 3 pm : Jacobs Algebra 1

Jacobs Ele­men­tary Alge­bra text is the most approach­able log­i­cal alge­bra text, which has stood the test of time. Stu­dents, teach­ers, and schools have been using this book for more than 50 years with suc­cess. This is a main­stream pro­gram that most every stu­dent does well with.


Thursdays starting September 7th

  • 2 pm : Algebra 12 

This class is a con­tin­u­a­tion of last year’s alge­bra 1 and 2 class. We will start with a review from Foer­ster’s alge­bra and trigonom­e­try text, move into fin­ish­ing Jacobs’ Ele­men­tary Alge­bra, and then fin­ish up the alge­bra 2 por­tion of Foer­ster’s text. This class is great for those stu­dents who may have “com­plet­ed” alge­bra 1 last year, just bare­ly, or who got halfway through and need­ed to take more time. This class is per­fect for solid­i­fy­ing both alge­bra 1 and 2 con­cepts in a sin­gle course and prepar­ing stu­dents for geometry. 


  • 3 pm : Introduction to Algebra

If your stu­dent loves the beau­ty of math­e­mat­ics, strug­gling to dis­cov­er and inter­pret those pat­terns, and plans to con­tin­ue to a com­pet­i­tive STEM pro­gram, then this math class is for her. This is AOP­S’s book cov­er­ing all of alge­bra 1 and 2 in an intense year of awe­some math mag­ic! We will cov­er chap­ters 1 — 21 in this live course, and many stu­dents will con­tin­ue to fin­ish chap­ter 22 after our last class to gain 1.5 cred­its in alge­bra 1 and 2. 


Here are all of the self-paced courses available:  
  • Pre­al­ge­bra*
  • Log­ic 1 
  • Jacobs Ele­men­tary Alge­bra (Alge­bra 1)* 
  • AOPS Intro­duc­tion to Alge­bra ( Alge­bra 1 & 2)*
  • AOPS Inter­me­di­ate Alge­bra ( Alge­bra 3) 
  • Jacobs Geom­e­try
  • Alge­bra 2
  • Pre­cal­cu­lus & Trigonometry
  • Num­ber Sense

If you want to read more about any of these courses, you can check them out on the math masters page!

Household Membership! 
5 Days Free Trial! 
Affordable Cost! 
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Includes All Classes