Elementary Math Curriculum Review

Five Sum­mers ago, I reviewed var­i­ous ele­men­tary math­e­mat­ics cur­ric­u­la. At the time, Beast Acad­e­my was a fair­ly new cur­ricu­lum on the mar­ket. Five years lat­er, I con­tin­ue to use this program. 

When new pro­grams come on the mar­ket for math stu­dents, I tend to be skep­ti­cal. I want to try to help my chil­dren enjoy the study of math­e­mat­ics as well as learn as much about the world of math­e­mat­ics as pos­si­ble, and many new pro­grams offer great things. How­ev­er, I have found few who actu­al­ly deliv­er. For exam­ple, I remem­ber when Mas­ter­books’ Math Lessons for a Liv­ing Edu­ca­tion first became avail­able. At the time, I had a third grad­er strug­gling with the pro­ce­dures in his math. He loved to read, but learn­ing how to divide and prob­lem solve was a dai­ly bat­tle. This new pro­gram seemed to offer a more Char­lotte Mason qui­et, low stress, beau­ti­ful process for learn­ing math­e­mat­ics. I was hooked. It was March. We dove in. 

My non-math strug­gling third grad­er less than eager­ly start­ed his new book. By the end of the first week he was no longer “strug­gling” with his math­e­mat­ics. Some­thing for which I was thank­ful, as I had 4 oth­er home­school chil­dren to bal­ance. By the end of the sec­ond week, he was com­plet­ing his math­e­mat­ics in record time. This seemed to be going well. How­ev­er, I knew that some­thing was off when by the end of April, he had com­plet­ed the entire book. I was not impressed. Look­ing at the book more thor­ough­ly, revealed a sig­nif­i­cant lack of skill build­ing and prob­lem solv­ing, which is one of the main goals of ele­men­tary edu­ca­tion. From then on out, I only added new math cur­ricu­lum to our dai­ly learn­ing as a sup­ple­ment. Enter Beast Academy. 

Not want­i­ng to repeat old mis­takes, I spent time read­ing and explor­ing this cur­ricu­lum. It seemed very thor­ough, fun, and engag­ing. I gave this pro­gram to my old­est son in sixth grade along­side his trusty Sin­ga­pore math­e­mat­ics. I was­n’t going to waste his pre pre­al­ge­bra year with a math­e­mat­ics dud. Our poor old­est chil­dren. That kid stud­ied both pro­grams for a half of a school year before I was con­vinced that he could drop one. He was very excit­ed to drop Sin­ga­pore and con­tin­ue with Beast Acad­e­my. Beast was more fun and engag­ing. I wrote a review about this pro­gram, and con­tin­ued to use it for my oth­er chil­dren. Five years lat­er, I love this pro­gram still. 

Beast Acad­e­my is the only ele­men­tary pro­gram that I can ful­ly rec­om­mend for all stu­dents. Before Beast, we used Sin­ga­pore as a main text and sup­ple­ment­ed with oth­er pro­grams. Now, all of my stu­dents, regard­less of math inter­est, have com­plet­ed Beast Acad­e­my. Some of the con­cerns that I had in my orig­i­nal review of Beast, which can be found at the link below, have been addressed with the online ver­sion of the pro­gram. Stu­dents can read the texts online, com­plete the assign­ments, and watch short quirky lessons in the online plat­form. There’s a huge empha­sis on men­tal math­e­mat­ics, but I require my stu­dents to have a note­book for show­ing their work on paper. 

As a mid­dle and high school math tutor, I find that Beast Acad­e­my has equipped many stu­dents for a sol­id high­er lev­el math­e­mat­ics edu­ca­tion. It real­ly is the bal­ance of fun games and foun­da­tion­al con­cepts that we all thought it might be back in 2014.



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