Summer of Arithmetic!

I have declared the sum­mer of 2023 a sum­mer of arith­metic! It’s about time to get our­selves back in the basics and review the foun­da­tion of our math­e­mat­ics mas­tery. One of the most beau­ti­ful parts of the cre­ation of the Lord is pat­terns, and those pat­terns are explored, although imper­fect­ly, in the world of num­bers. From the ancient Sume­ri­ans and the first record­ed use of the numer­al to mod­ern bina­ry com­put­er sys­tems, the world of num­bers is where math­e­mati­cians first asked the ques­tion: who is the cause? The unmoved mover, or cause of the orders, pat­terns, and val­ues behind our numer­als, was the focus of ancient math­e­mati­cians and He con­tin­ues to be our main focus as we study num­bers and their prop­er­ties, mean­ings, and oper­a­tions togeth­er in our sum­mer of arithmetic! 

Our sum­mer arith­metic course is a 5 mod­ule course con­tain­ing live week­ly lessons, assign­ments, and tutor­ing. Stu­dents plan­ning to attend pre alge­bra this fall will find this course a help­ful review and indi­ca­tor of readi­ness for the begin­ning of inde­pen­dent and rig­or­ous math­e­mat­ics study. The live zoom les­son will take place week­ly on Tues­days at 8:15 AM est start­ing on July 25th and con­clud­ing on August 22nd

Below you can find the syl­labus and goals for our arith­metic mas­ters sum­mer course. 

How do you join this course? 

          1. reg­is­ter for a math mas­ters mem­ber­ship (cov­ers all of your fam­i­ly for all of our math courses)
          2. vis­it the “arith­metic mas­ters” course site to add your email to the course email list
          3. fol­low the email direc­tions for join­ing the course live


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