Summer Review Focus

Sum­mer School is a dread­ed term. Sum­mer review, math review, sum­mer project, home­work, these are oth­er terms that are almost as depress­ing. As droll as the idea of spend­ing hours inside when the ocean waves are crash­ing on the beach and call­ing your name may be, review is an essen­tial part of any edu­ca­tion. As we age, review becomes even more impor­tant, because our brains aren’t as strong as they once were. Our chil­dren are not the only peo­ple in need of repetition. 

This sum­mer, I am work­ing on review­ing Pre­cal­cu­lus, Latin, and Clas­si­cal Edu­ca­tion. My chil­dren will see me read­ing, tak­ing notes, watch­ing video lessons, and repeat­ing the mate­r­i­al to myself over and over. Through this mod­el­ing, whether we’re learn­ing some­thing inde­pen­dent­ly or under the tute­lage of a child, we con­tin­ue our child’s edu­ca­tion through­out the sum­mer with­out the dread­ed terms! 

Each sum­mer, we may assign some review mate­r­i­al for our chil­dren to keep their skills up on impor­tant skill based sub­jects, but do we encour­age them to also pur­sue learn­ing some­thing com­plete­ly new? Sum­mer is a gift of time, not just to hike, camp, and swim, but also to explore unique learn­ing opportunities. 

What are you learn­ing for your­self this summer? 



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