Pilgrims Problem

Your week­ly prob­lem for prob­lem solv­ing is a chal­leng­ing word prob­lem. Try your hand at it and test your mind: 


Two pil­grims stopped by the side of the road to eat. One had sev­en loaves of bread and the oth­er had five loaves. A third trav­el­er arrived before they had begun their meal and asked them to share their food with him. They agreed and the three shared the bread equally. 

After they had fin­ished, the third trav­el­er got up, thanked the two pil­grims for the bread, and left twelve sil­ver pieces in pay­ment for his meal. The pil­grim who orig­i­nal­ly had sev­en loaves of bread thought that he should receive sev­en of the coins and his fel­low pil­grim should receive five, in the same num­bers as their orig­i­nal loaves of bread. The oth­er pil­grim, how­ev­er, thought that the coins should be split six and six, because the bread had been shared equally. 

They decid­ed to ask a wise man. The wise man decid­ed that the pil­grim who orig­i­nal­ly has sev­en loaves of bread should receive nine sil­ver pieces and the one who orig­i­nal­ly had five loaves should receive only three. 


Can you explain why this is fair?

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