Summer Fun with Boys

How do we curb the sum­mer blues with a house full of active boys? Boys are a fan­tas­tic bun­dle of ener­gy which can become very over­whelm­ing in the mid­dle of a freez­ing cold win­ter or a very hot sum­mer. In win­ter, they at least have school and home­work to keep them focused, but what are we to do with them in the dead of summer? 

Truth­ful­ly, I’ve nev­er real­ly strug­gled with what to do with my guys dur­ing sum­mer break. Why? Because I always have a project that needs to be com­plet­ed. If you are look­ing for some ideas on keep­ing your boys, or girls (they like projects too) busy, here are a few chal­lenges to get you started: 

  1. Host a cat­a­pult chal­lenge. Set a dead­line, give mate­r­i­al para­me­ters, part­ner up if need­ed, and get build­ing! You can give them pop­si­cle sticks, rub­ber bands, small strips of wood, or if you’re a fam­i­ly of builders — com­plete access to a scrap pile of lum­ber and the saws. Once they’ve com­plet­ed their chal­lenge, cre­ate a series of tests (sim­i­lar to Forged in Fire) to test each catapult. 
    • don’t like cat­a­pults? Do an egg drop machine, sim­ple machine, lego tech­nic car, or oth­er device. 
  2. Offer paid posi­tions. In our house, no one receives an allowance. How­ev­er, we do have cer­tain jobs or posi­tions that we want com­plet­ed bad­ly enough that we are will­ing to pay for them. Have a shed that needs to be cleaned out? Fire­wood to stack? these are per­fect jobs for paid positions. 
  3. Sum­mer Semes­ter. When we lived in the south and had very hot sum­mer months, we actu­al­ly had a short 6 week semes­ter of school. Dur­ing this 6 weeks we would immer­sion study maybe 3 dif­fer­ent sub­jects. This was a great way to get in some extra learn­ing with­out being too busy. Top­ics that are per­fect for a short semes­ter are: ele­men­tary eco­nom­ics, per­son­al finance, music the­o­ry, art, dra­ma (put on a sum­mer out­door play), human anato­my, or a fun elec­tive you don’t have time for dur­ing the “offi­cial” school year. 

I hope that you find a way to make learn­ing and dis­cov­ery a part of your sum­mer explo­ration this year. 

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