Struggle : Continual Education

Today is the 5th Mon­day of the month. 

These are the odd weeks.  The shift­ing week.  Start­ing with one month and end­ing with anoth­er, you nev­er know quite which month you are sup­posed to act in.  Which month’s goals do you focus on?  Which month’s bills do you pay? This is the week that I share a struggle. 

It has occurred to me, that as a semi-fec­tion­ist (a per­fec­tion­ist with a dash of real­i­ty), I strug­gle with a lot. For example: 

Continuing Education, specifically, mine. 


One of the goals in our home­school is to encour­age my chil­dren to enjoy learn­ing. I want them to yearn for the knowl­edge of God the same way that David yearns for it. I want them to seek God and study His cre­ation. The strug­gle comes as my chil­dren grow up and are run­ning into the tri­als in life. They are learn­ing to bal­ance work, school, church, play, and oth­er activ­i­ties, but are they pri­or­i­tiz­ing learn­ing? Am I? 

As a home­school mom and math men­tor, I strug­gle to include my own per­son­al learn­ing in my sched­ule. Yet, this one activ­i­ty or focus is what I need to do to mod­el to my chil­dren the impor­tance of con­tin­u­al­ly learn­ing. Is it impor­tant for me to keep read­ing Pas­cal even though I won’t be receiv­ing any col­lege cred­its on it? What about con­tin­u­al­ly study­ing Alge­bra 3? Are these things impor­tant? Yes. Do I live my life in a way that mod­els their impor­tance? Not necessarily. 

As 2021 march­es on, I am deter­mined to pri­or­i­tize my own con­tin­u­al edu­ca­tion and learn­ing. I will seek God and earnest­ly desire to learn the things that He has set before me to learn. How will I do that? By cre­at­ing a time for per­son­al learn­ing in my schedule. 

How are you mod­el­ing the impor­tance of learn­ing for your chil­dren? I’d love your tips on liv­ing the life that I want my chil­dren to live.