The World is Watching

Nor­mal­ly I tell my kids that it’s not always about them. Nor­mal­ly, this is true. But 2020 was…unique. With spikes in home­school­ing some home­school­ers rejoice that oth­ers will dis­cov­er the joy of a home edu­ca­tion. Oth­er home­school­ers wor­ry that ill-pre­pared par­ents will strug­gle and cre­ate cas­es for the gov­ern­ment to add more gov­ern­ment reg­u­la­tion to home­school­ing. One thing is for cer­tain: The world is watch­ing. Like nev­er before the world is aware of and tuned in to the var­i­ous home­school­ers in the neigh­bor­hoods, towns, cities, and parks.

If you were the only model for homeschooling what would the world see? More importantly, what do you want them to see?


Every year we encour­age you to take some time to dream about and cre­ate a vision for your home­school. What does your ide­al home­school day look like? What does your home­school day actu­al­ly look like? 

At the end of the day, I want my neigh­bors to think of home­school­ing as not only a valid edu­ca­tion, but as a high qual­i­ty edu­ca­tion. Our home edu­ca­tion focus­es on glo­ri­fy­ing God, respect­ing His cre­ation, grow­ing knowl­edge, seek­ing wis­dom, fol­low­ing God’s plan, and lov­ing our neighbors. 

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, it is not pos­si­ble to be per­fect. While we have our mind focused on the ide­al, we live in real­i­ty. Ide­al­ly we want our chil­dren to love learn­ing, in real­i­ty, learn­ing is hard and we are sin­ful crea­tures. That’s what it means to live in a fall­en world. Find­ing the bal­ance for your fam­i­ly isn’t going to look like the bal­ance for my fam­i­ly. Rec­on­cil­ing the ide­al with the real is an essen­tial life skill that we can mod­el and teach to our children. 

What mes­sage are we, as home­school­ers, send­ing to the world? Because now more than ever, the world is watching. 


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