Pre Algebra Review Course

Should my child review pre algebra? 


Review­ing some math this sum­mer seems to be near the top of par­ents’ lists. Espe­cial­ly con­sid­er­ing the hav­oc that covid-19 wrecked with the end of last school year. Among these review options was the con­sid­er­a­tion of host­ing a Scio Pre Alge­bra review course. While on one lev­el, I’d love to host such a course, on anoth­er, there just was­n’t enough time to put a prop­er live course together. 

There­fore, I’ve land­ed on a com­pro­mise. Using Scio Acad­e­my’s pre alge­bra lessons from the past two years and lessons from the Art of Prob­lem Solv­ing text, I’ve laid out a 30 day pre alge­bra course for you all. 

This is how it works: 

  1. Obtain the AOPS pre alge­bra text (if you don’t have it, you can buy the pdf of it at the art of prob­lem solv­ing’s site — around $57)
  2. Join Scio Acad­e­my to access the les­son videos ($25 per month for the whole family)
  3. Fol­low the plan in the doc­u­ment below (if you access the doc­u­ment below on the com­put­er, you can click the link to go direct­ly to the video les­son — this doc­u­ment is also on the pre alge­bra course page) 
  4. Email math ques­tions about the home­work to your tutor (that’s me! Email access to ask ques­tions is includ­ed in the membership) 

Voila — A com­plete inde­pen­dent study with tutor help pre alge­bra review course for less than $75!  You real­ly can’t beat that. 

All men who have turned out worth anything have had the chief hand in their own education.” Sir Walter Scott

How do you know if your child needs to take this course? 


If your child is shaky on the foun­da­tion of con­cepts and prob­lem solv­ing strate­gies that were intro­duced in pre alge­bra, then I’d have her work through this plan. It’s 30 days, about an hour a day, she’s got this! 

Fur­ther­more, if your stu­dent is going to be using the Art of Prob­lem Solv­ing Alge­bra course text this fall and it’s the first time he’s used an AOPS text, I high­ly rec­om­mend this plan. The AOPS texts are no joke and can require a bit of a learn­ing curve, no pun intend­ed. The texts are a fan­tas­tic way for stu­dents to go from being cal­cu­la­tors to math­e­mati­cians; from the pro­ce­dure to the dis­cov­ery. But for stu­dents who’ve nev­er been taught to think deeply about prob­lems, the first few lessons can be hard. Thus, a short warmup with mate­r­i­al that he should already know can be very helpful. 

Please know that as always, I have cre­at­ed this plan for you to use at your dis­cre­tion. As always, you are the first and high­est pri­or­i­ty when it comes to your child’s edu­ca­tion. I am here to help you thrive, but I am not your dic­ta­tor. Enjoy your sum­mer, enjoy some fun math, and I will see you in the classroom!



*If you are not a Math Mas­ter, then the links in the doc­u­ment will bring you to the course site. To watch the les­son videos, please enroll at

Do you want to see the Pre Algebra review grid? 

Check it out here and see how to review in 30 days! 

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