It's summer. Time to get some good hammock reading into our schedule. Every month, Amanda and I share the books that we are currently reading, but we don't typically rate them or look at past reads. For July and August, I thought that I'd take some time to look at a few great books. This month, I'm welcoming you to explore some of the best books on education that I've read. So join me as I share a few great reads and I'll see you in the hammock!
Without further ado; A few great reads on home education:
- Norms and Nobility - As a classical educator this is the pinnacle of reads, and also a long-term commitment. This book appears small, but is not to be taken lightly. In fact, you probably want to bring highlighters, a pen, and paper with you to the hammock while reading this one. On second thought, maybe you should save this for reading inside on rainy days.
- The Well Trained Mind - If you're looking for a how-to guide on educating a child from a classical perspective then this is the book for you. Even if you don't end up educating classically, this book gives a great overview and visual of the home educator's life. Caveat: Please don't read this book with the mind that this is the only way to home educate, because it's not.
- Ten Ways to Destroy the Imagination of Your Child - This is the perfect summer read. This short Esolen text is practically a class on unschooling and detoxing from an institutional mindset. Wondering what to have your kids do while you're reading this gem? Read this book and find out!
- A Thomas Jefferson Education - I simultaneously love and struggle with this book. I adhere very closely to a Thomas Jefferson mindset regarding our own education and classic texts, however, I am unabashedly Christian and read this book with the lens of a christian worldview. Read this book with your eyes open, your mind ready, and your lens on!
- Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning - On a scale of great books on the application and theory of education, this book lands smack dab between The Well Trained Mind and Norms and Nobility. In fact, if you're looking for something like Norms, but shy at the price tag (it's hefty), then this is your book.
Obviously, it is unrealistic for us to expect to read all of these texts in one summer. Instead, pick a couple, set up your hammock, and enjoy relaxing in the sun with a great book! Don't forget to drop us a line on our facebook page to let us know what you are reading this summer and what you think are the top 5 books on home education!
P.S. I always feel guilty about relaxing with a good book in my hammock. Not because I don't feel that I should be relaxing, but because I feel like I should exercise first. So I've taken up bike-hammocking. It goes like this: Drive to a wooded bike park with my guys. Bike part of the trail. Set up Hammock and read while waving to passing bikers. Guilt gone, exercise in, perfect new hobby complete!