Struggle : Give What They Need

Today is the 5th Monday of the month. 

These are the odd weeks.  The shifting week.  Starting with one month and ending with another, you never know quite which month you are supposed to act in.  Which month’s goals do you focus on?  Which month’s bills do you pay? This is the week that I share a struggle. 

If you have more than one child you know the uniqueness of each one. Maybe the most-ancient struggle that we as parents face is treating each child unique yet equal. Favoritism is an old problem, stemming back to Genesis. One just has to read about Isaac's parenting of Jacob and Esau to see what not to do. Even God's chosen people struggled with favoritism. 

For instance, I have an incredibly smart son who legitimately struggles with mathematics. He is persevering to complete Algebra 2, which gives you an idea of his work ethic - it's incredible. Wouldn't you know it though? My math gifted son is lazy. He has always struggled with putting in the effort to complete his work well. He naturally understands math, but hates checking his work. When he doesn't understand something, he quits trying. 

I won't bore you with mini bios of all five of my sons, as I'm sure you see my point:

How do I possibly give each child what he needs? 

To help my first son, I don't requires the hardest math text and don't fuss over a missed problem. I trust him to complete his work, because I know he will, but I also require him to join my live tutoring to get the help that he needs. My second son doesn't need the extra math help - he can watch the recordings when he needs some more help - which gives him freedom. However, I have to check his work, because he may "complete" it, but it's not necessarily done well. 

I have found that different sources help different kids, but I certainly don't have it all figured out. So I pray, watch, and try to be present.