Why Ask?

Have you ever expe­ri­enced that weird shift in life? I am not speak­ing about some sort of huge devel­op­men­tal shift, but rather that slow shift. The one that takes years before you even real­ize that it hap­pened? Specif­i­cal­ly, have you ever wok­en up one day to real­ize that your child is no longer that incor­ri­gi­ble 3 year old always ask­ing ‘why?’? But rather, he has shift­ed to the very oppo­site of the spec­trum and refus­es to ask ques­tions. Not because he knows the answers, of course, but because he is fear­ful of what oth­ers’ think. 

Answers come after ques­tions, not before’  Rosaria Butterfield

I know that we tell our kids that “The only dumb ques­tion is the one not asked.” But have we ever thought about why they might be hes­i­tant to ask ques­tions? Maybe the dumb ques­tion is actu­al­ly the one that every­one except me knows the answer to? When we ask a ques­tion, we place our­selves out in front for every­one to see, and that’s very intim­i­dat­ing. Ask­ing ques­tions reveals our mind, how we think, and our hearts, what we care about. Ques­tions make us vul­ner­a­ble to oth­er peo­ple’s opin­ions, judge­ments, and thoughts.  In a way, the ques­tions that we ask are much more reveal­ing to oth­ers than the answers that we give. 

If ask­ing ques­tions is so dan­ger­ous, then why do we do it? Ask­ing ques­tions is like start­ing a fire. We cre­ate a spark, which prompts anoth­er ques­tion and anoth­er until our mind is full of ques­tions and in des­per­ate need of answers. The pur­suit of those answers is what we call learn­ing. And it all start­ed with a ques­tion. How do we help our hes­i­tant ques­tion asker? We mod­el ask­ing good ques­tions, encour­age curios­i­ty, and give grace. Don’t force your child to ask ques­tions in pub­lic, instead, encour­age him to write them down to ask lat­er. Help him to join a group that he is safe to ask and explore some of the world’s great­est ques­tions with. First and fore­most, do not judge your child’s ques­tions, but cre­ate a safe space in your home for the shar­ing of ques­tions, strug­gles, and any­thing else that may be in her mind and heart. 

What ques­tions are you ask­ing today?

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