The Introvert’s Struggle

Are you an intro­vert or an extravert? 


In the fall, I love to vis­it cities.  I love the activ­i­ty, archi­tec­ture, muse­ums, and all of the great things that cities offer.  But the best part of a city is the diver­si­ty!  The dif­fer­ent types of peo­ple mean­der­ing through the streets is a beau­ti­ful spec­ta­cle of God’s cre­ativ­i­ty.  I love watch­ing Har­vard stu­dents rush­ing to class in Boston, busi­ness men walk­ing to work with their lattes in Toron­to, and tourists wan­der­ing wide-eyed through the streets of Nashville. Much like the diver­si­ty of the peo­ple on the city streets, I find the diver­si­ty in each and every home­school that I encounter to be beautiful. 

While some home­school fam­i­lies nev­er leave their home, home­school fam­i­lies are as diverse as any city. Per­son­al­ly, I strug­gle with try­ing to appeal to the diverse per­son­al­i­ty types of my chil­dren while also giv­ing them what they need. If he could spend every day read­ing a book and nev­er meet­ing new peo­ple, one of my sons would be the hap­pi­est crea­tures alive.  He does not under­stand the impor­tance of events out­side of our fam­i­ly.  To label him as a severe intro­vert is generous. 

The prob­lem with being so con­tent with our­selves is that we grow inward and not out­ward.  We focus so much on our selves that we can’t see what’s hap­pen­ing beyond our nose.  Now, grow­ing inward is impor­tant, but we need to be care­ful not to ignore the great com­mis­sion.  Jesus tells us to bring His sal­va­tion to oth­ers.  In order to do that, we need to look beyond our­selves and to our neigh­bor.  Yes, we have the answer, but let’s not keep it to ourselves. 

The world is a vast diverse place.  We need to get out of our com­fort zone and bring the gospel to the masses! 


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